
Artikelnummer: AEGD1
Artikel 11 van 95
€ 4,99

The Definitive Guide to Dungeons and Catacombs for Players and  DMs Alike

Dungeons are an integral part of fantasy gaming, but there's far  more to them than just stone corridors and random monsters. This  book contains a plethora of tips, tricks and rules to help make  your dungeons the stuff of legend. It includes essays on design  and construction, overviews of different dungeon types, player  advice for surviving underground perils, and a host of new rules,  spells, monsters, and magic items.

Language: English

Author(s): Nancy Berman, Noah Dudley, Peter Flanigan, Mike Mearls, Jim Pinto, John Seavey, Eric Steiger, Serge Stelmack, Greg Stolze, Ree Soesbee and Steve Wright

Publisher: AEG

Publication Date: 2001

Format: Softcover

Pages: 120

ISBN-10: 887953272

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