How our prices for 2nd hand products work


We have classified books in to 5 different states.

A+ state means new

A  state means as good as new with almost no to little wear on the product

B  state means used but with light wear and is perfectly fine to use

C state means  Light damage or lots of use wear. generaly not the most beatifull books, but still fine to use.

D state, damaged or pieces are missing,

Not all books are available in every state all the time, so please check out what states we have at this moment by going to the book you are interested in

staat boek

you can chose from the one's we have available and the price will ajust accordingly

staat 1


staat 2


De prijzen van boeken zoals die in ons artikeloverzicht staan zijn allemaal automatisch aangegeven op de prijs van hun B staat.

All prices are including tax.

We don't tax all our products, only new books only new books are taxed at 9%.

new products like Star Wars Armada, D&D starter Sets en Magic the Gathering accessoires are taxed at 21%.

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